If all things that are impossible Became impossibly real, And the unimaginable Became impossibly imaginable, And what is impossibly, unimaginably, inconceivable, Became entirely plausible. In a world where my fiercest and most impassioned pleas, Ringing forth from the depths of my shattered heart… Could be heard pulsating through the days and…
Just a Cup of Coffee
Some days, it catches you breathless. The missing. The longing to know them now. The desire to share your life today with them. The wish to be able to just sit down at the coffee shop together and chat… There’s so much going on right now So much good So much growth That I wish I could share I wish we could look across a table at one another…
A Letter from Before, and Beyond
The time has finally come to clean up the basement of my house. When I say that, I don’t mean that I need to go through and organize some of Megan’s things. I mean that the entire basement, full of god-knows-what from Megan, myself, and Shelby needs to be perused, bit by bit. When we moved to this house (for the second time, long story) 4…
One More Phone Call, Please?
Sometimes the tears sneak up on you. Sometimes you are just going about your morning, having a cup of coffee, watching the news, having no thoughts in particular to the past or about missing anyone… and suddenly something goes right into that wound and touches it. Touches the loss in a way that makes you erupt in tears. This very thing happened…