Hi, everyone! I am writing to say good-bye to you as the Friday Widow’s Voice writer. I am also writing to thank you for the opportunity and the support, and to pass the torch to the new Friday writer, Sherry! I am currently in my last semester of writing my dissertation for my Ph.D. program. […]
ChatGPT + grief
So, I had this weird idea to talk to ChatGPT about my grief. I have read a few articles about how people have used AI to hear a loved one’s voice again, and that made me feel really conflicted. And, I always think about how much Boris would love ChatGPT and would use it all […]
Outlets for our Grief
There are so many ways that I cope and deal with my grief, and it has evolved over time, and I have needed different things as other life stressors and changes have happened. I was already in therapy when Boris died, and I increased the number of times I was going, plus added an additional […]
July 25th
Another July 25th has come and gone. It was the day that Boris and I used to call our dating anniversary. We weren’t really sure when our actual anniversary was, but I knew it was around this time. We were two 17-year-old kids making out at Tybee Beach and staying out past my curfew. I […]
Grief Thoughts of the Week
This week, I have a lot floating in my head. And I don’t feel like I have enough to really say about any of it to make a full post. Or, maybe some of it just feels too hard to write about right now. So, I thought I’d just note all of my grief/Boris thoughts […]
Grief by Taylor Swift Albums
In the early months after Boris died, I remember a close friend telling me that her husband sometimes will have a hard time remembering if a certain song was out or a current event had occurred before or after his sister died. It had been many years since her death, but I remember thinking how […]
Another Trauma Reminder
CW/TW: This post contains a discussion of suicide. I am currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program at Georgia State University, where I also received my undergraduate and master’s degrees. It is where Boris and I attended college together, and where he was attending for his master’s when he died. GSU holds a special place in […]
Sometimes I do what I call “pressing the bruise” and look at something or do something that I know will trigger my grief or feel sad. This week, I did one of those things and I read through saved text messages with Boris. And yeah, it did hurt. Especially the messages where I was angry […]
Ambition Loss
Because I am in a Ph.D. program, I get this question a lot: “what are you going to do with that?” or “what are you going to do when you graduate?” And, it is a normal question, and one I have probably asked many times to people who mention that they are in a degree-seeking […]
Grief fail.
After Boris died, I felt this need to in some ways carry on who he was, including his interests and passions. I knew that his love for science wouldn’t be one I could try to tackle, and I tried to care for his computer and techy belongings in the best way I knew how, but […]
Time Travel
Fellow widow (and author, podcaster, etc.) Nora McInerny asked on her Instagram story this week, “if you could time travel back to when your person was alive, what would you do?” Of course, this question had me thinking all day about it, trying to come up with the best answer. When your person dies by […]
Grief Work
Over the past 6 months or so I have started to realize how much more grief work I have to do. I think I went through a period where it felt like I had done it all. Not that I was “over it” or everything was better, but that I’d sort of worked through everything […]