I was in my front yard with Lola the pup when I noticed Allie, who lives in the blue house across the street, standing and looking out of her living room window. She is holding tiny Baby Etta, whom she and Drew recently welcomed back in late June, around the same time as my birthday. […]
Widowed & Unmarried
Reflections on Being Married
Despite an undeserved hard guy reputation in some quarters, the truth is I am a sensitive, occasionally sentimental, fellow at heart. However, I’m not feeling particularly sentimental at the moment. As I have mentioned, for me June is easily the funkiest month. To paraphrase Charles Dickens, it represents both the best of times and the […]
Same Time Next Year?
Lola and I leave Tucson for home in just a few more days. I had been toying with the idea of driving north from here to Denver, then heading east on Interstate Highway 70. Doing so would allow for new sights and adventures. To this flatlander, at least, driving over and through the Rocky Mountains […]
On a Rainy Day in Tucson
After a lengthy string of beautiful, warm days, it’s raining and cool in Tucson today. Lola the pup is making the best of it, however, there is no run in the park in store for her on this day. Even on an enjoyable extended holiday such as this one, there are bound to be a […]
Emergency Room
This past weekend Robyn, Lola the pup, and I were in the Cleveland area to see our friends Bob and Linda. Early Saturday afternoon, while Lola stayed home to relax, we humans left to eat at a cozy restaurant/gift shop that only serves lunch. After enjoying cups of the delicious homemade soup – I had […]
What is Grief . . .
. . . someone asked. a puzzle an enigma one long and unpredictable complication . . . a testament to love. grief the remnant from the flood proof that love existed love’s receipt. The poet, John O’Donohue says it best: For Grief When you lose someone you love, […]
Passing the Friday Blog Torch
Hi, everyone! I am writing to say good-bye to you as the Friday Widow’s Voice writer. I am also writing to thank you for the opportunity and the support, and to pass the torch to the new Friday writer, Sherry! I am currently in my last semester of writing my dissertation for my Ph.D. program. […]
Remembering the fun.
Sometimes I get so caught up in the sadness, shock, and trauma of Boris’s death that I forget how much fun we had. The memories that flood my brain are often of fights or things I should have said or should have done differently. Regret and “what ifs” are common. And, I think because of […]
The Unconclusive Conclusion
While writing this blog, I was forced to revisit and relive more than just my widowed walk. I dove back in time through many memories I had forgotten or hidden. In reflecting back, how ironic was it that I rushed through the four years of high school and the four years of college only now […]
Widowed Wealth of Words
This week has been a huge transition in my life. I retired from my 23 year career to focus on my relationship and the business I own. I can work from anywhere which is giving me much more time to enjoy time. Of course, big transitions have change and responsibility. I’m organizing my own healthcare, […]
Is he still my boyfriend?
I still can’t seem to figure out what to call Boris. I still call him my boyfriend over 4 years after his death. Is that normal? Last week I was on a work trip and was talking to a colleague who I do not know well. We were discussing traveling, and I mentioned that I […]
Stop Rushing Towards The Grief
I distinctly remember being in the 5th grade and saying: “Just 7 more years until I graduate. Then it’s college and dolphin training. Hang in there Bryan, it’s just 7 more years.” I wanted to be free of the bullying and I wanted my dream job, so I wished for time to tick by faster. […]