Losing the Holiday Weight
The holidays were rough. My first without Tin and there were days I just could barely keep it together. Christmas is over and I spent New Year’s alone for the first time in years with no one to plan a new year of adventures with. It’s been a struggle and I have 3 more months before I hit the anniversary of his passing. I felt like I was carrying a thousand pounds through the holidays. I get holiday weight but that was not what I was ever expecting.
Now I’ve had a couple of weeks post-holiday and it hit me today that I have had sad moments but not anything like the strength and weight 3 weeks ago. I’m very busy with two jobs to stay afloat so maybe that’s it. My goal for the new year was to loose some weight I had gained while caring for Tin. Sitting here and thinking about how I feel in this moment I feel better, less burdened by my feelings like I have lost some of that holiday weight. I have been keeping so busy, running around to stop and think that maybe I haven’t let myself stop and talk to myself. Sure I could lose a few pounds but I’m realizing that’s not the weight I need to focus on losing…