I’m halfway through this winter warfare others call “the most wonderful time of the year”. The annual arrival of the four holiday horsemen. Just as one battle ends another commences giving us barely enough time to heal the wounds and gather back the troops. Thanksgiving with grief in the gravy. Christmas’ hallmark heartaches. Now the approach of a New Year further away from our yesterdays with the final horseman named St. Valentine charging into battle just a month after.
The birth of a new year and new opportunity does not pass without the reminder of that you have passed Tin. The world celebrates renewal and couples kiss at midnight. It’s a reminder that our last New Year’s kiss is another year farther out of reach behind me. In one hand I hold hurt and in the other hope. Already about to start a third time around the sun without you here by my side but in fleeting moments it still feels like yesterday.
They tell you when you’re young to not rush life and that, one day, you will understand. I just didn’t know that day would happen so soon, so fast, so young and it still feels so new that I can’t believe I’m starting another year without you…