Another death anniversary passed in April and here we are already in July.
It’s time to honor our fifty-fith wedding anniversary coming up tomorrow.
It is the privilege of a lifetime is to live, tell, and record the stories of our lives, Dan Neff.
It is love on love on more love.
Time was our gift.
It still is and we must never forget that.
Beginning 62 days after your death, it is the story I’ve written on this blog every week since you left.
How is that even possible?
Your bravery is now mine.
Your unrelenting effort to love this family fully, with courage, is also mine.
The sands of time stand in witness to a couple of kids who truly loved through thick and thin, for richer and for poorer, till death did us part.
In the ways of mystery, we still do.
It is not a story of perfection.
Nor is it the story of patient obedience or saintliness.
It is the heroic journey of facing life on life’s terms and deciding in whatever way we can to keep going.
It is a story of falling down seven times and getting up eight.
Along the way, dreams happened.
People, purpose and ideas were born.
There was sacrifice.
Held by grace, we were able to keep going.
The only thing left
is to continue
the next best thing
until we meet again . . .
Happy Anniversary, my love.
We’re still traveling to some finish line in the future.
You do your part and I’ll do mine.
It cannot be known in advance.