Making art—giving form to the images that arise in our mind’s eye, our dreams, and our everyday lives—is a form of spiritual practice through which knowledge of ourselves can ripen into wisdom. Pat B. Allen, PhD Art is a Way of Knowing.
There is a hidden secret about art that may benefit those who are experiencing trauma or grief. Painting and drawing are imbued with healing qualities—and—do not require certain talents or skills to uncover the treasure.
Image courtesy of Anna Kolosyuk via
Here is a simple recipe that was passed on to me that I wish to pass on to you. A few steps without rules or specific processes. An invitation to put paint, pastel, or pencil to the page and meet a new part of yourself.
Listen to the still, quiet voice within.
What’s one small step toward meeting the artist in you?
Image courtesy of Annie Spratt via
What might happen if you try?
Step One:Choose your media
Paint and paper? Collage on cardboard? Something else?
Step Two:Tune in
How are you feeling? What energy needs to go on the page?
Step Three: Give permission
Decide not to judge your art. Consider asking the art to teach you something.
Step Four: Inquire
What sounds like fun? Remember: no rules, no processes.
Step Five: Begin
One sign that healing is beginning is when you lose track of time while creating. 🙂
I could say things with color and shape that I couldn’t say any other way—things I had no words for. Margaret Naumberg
Image courtesy of Dose Juice via
Have fun and be kind to yourself – XO
For more on this topic:
Art is a Way of Knowing by Pat B. Allen, 1995
Art Heals: How Creativity Cures the Soul by Shaun McNiff, 2004
Painting Can Save Your Life by Sarah Woster, 2022
About Kathie Neff
Kathie Neff was widowed on April 15, 2021. She and her beloved husband, Dan, were high school sweethearts and enjoyed dancing and riding horses together. They lived in gratitude, hope and forgiveness for 50 years and nine months when Dan passed quietly late at night, surrounded by their seven children who, with Kathie, were caring for him in their family home.
Dan and Kathie have been a part of Camp Widow and Soaring Spirits International since its inception, as members of Michele Neff Hernandez’s cadre of helpers from the Neff family.
Kathie believes strongly in the strength and bond that is the gift of community and brings a heart of love for all who have been affected by death and dying.