A repost!
Today during school pickup a little girl from the twins’ class ran up to me and started pulling at my jacket. As I was in the middle of hugging Charlotte, I didn’t pay her much attention. She kept pulling on my jacket as persistent as ever. So I looked down at her smiled and said, “Hi.” She immediately without hesitation asked me, “Where is their Dad?” And just like that, my heart dropped into my stomach. It felt as if she just knocked the wind out of me. I definitely did not expect that. Although you would think I would have a better handle on the question by now, I don’t. And I know she didn’t mean anything by it. She was just a three-year-old with a curiosity. Still in shock, I didn’t know how to respond, so I didn’t. I smiled back at her and turned my attention to Charlotte again. In my head the words, please don’t ask again, please just run off and play, repeated itself over and over as I tried to focus on talking to Charlotte. And as she tugged on my jacket again, most likely about to ask the question a second time, Wyatt ran up to me and my breath let out a sigh of relief. She ran back to play with no knowledge of how that 30-second exchange impacted me. And this wasn’t the first time their classmates had asked about their father. And still, I have no answer.