This weekend I was out running a few errands with my daughter. We were at Lowes buying a replacement microwave oven. And, because I love gardening, anytime I’m at a store that has a garden section, there you will find me. I was walking down the aisle, pushing my cart, and looking at all the varieties of plants. I had something specific in mind, but at the same time realized that I didn’t really need another plant, nor did I have a place for another plant.
I began to wonder, what am I doing here? What am I searching for?
Suddenly I felt a bit light headed, and lost. I stopped moving, and looked to see where my daughter was. Within seconds she was walking up to me, asking if I found what I was looking for. I told her that I felt like I was wasting my time away. I felt like whatever it was I was doing at that moment was insignificant.
Why is it that after two years, my life still feels somewhat insignificant? I explained to my daughter that before Michael died, every moment was significant. I was always busy taking care of my family, researching cancer trials, filling prescriptions, and being mindful of every waking moment. Everything I did was either for Michael, or with Michael. Every moment of joy was spent with him. I didn’t want to lose a single second of my time with him. I didn’t want to look back and regret moments that could have been spent loving him.
I remember how after he died, I felt like time just stood still. It was like nothing else mattered anymore. Now of course my children still mattered, but what I was feeling was about my adult self, my married self. Suddenly my other half was gone, yet the void wasn’t half of me, it was all of me. I have since struggled to regain a sense of feeling complete, and finding joy as a single adult once again. And, there is joy, and there is pleasure. Yet at times like this, walking casually down the aisle in a nursery, with nothing, or no one to rush home to, time doesn’t really seem to have the same value.
The rest of my weekend went the same. I did absolutely nothing. For many people, the idea of doing absolutely nothing is highly valued. Others complain about being too busy, and having no time to slow down and appreciate what they have. Yet for me, at least for now, I still have too much time on my hands. I think that in time my daily life will be filled with more moments of value, but I also think that I’m just not wanting to fill it with a bunch of insignificant moments. I don’t want to busy myself, unless I become busy with things that truly mean a lot to me. What those will be I’m not sure.
So, I will continue to remind myself that as long as I find myself contemplating these thoughts while I’m out and about, then I’m on the right track. In time, moments like this will begin to feel significant once again, and I will find myself valuing every one of them.