Where are they…
The ones we loved in life,
love still, in death?
Where do they go when they leave our sides?
Do they exist in a far away Universe,
Unseen and unseeable?
Carried only in memory,
That shows itself in the wind,
In clouds tinged with the colors of a sunrise or sunset?
Do they see us as we wish for them?
Do they hear our cries of anguish?
Our pleas and our sorrow?
Do they hear us whisper their names into the air we breathe deeply into our lungs?
Do they see us hug our arms tightly around ourselves…
Remembering their arms around us,
Their hearts beating the rhythm of life and love,
Into our ears laid upon their chests?
Do they know? Do they hear us? Do they know us…still?
Oh, my Love…my beloved,
My heart beats for you and with you, wherever you are,
Wherever you might be.
Even if you are nowhere, my heart beats for you, for us,
For who we were together, on this earth, for fleeting years.
For who I am now, carrying your memory,
Carrying your Love,
Carrying all that we once were,
What I am, now, alone.
I carry your heart with each beat of my heart.