i don’t throw
things away.
the meaningful,
the meaningless,
everything is somewhere.
in my house.
in my garage.
tucked away in
places i don’t remember,
to be found at
times i don’t
expect to find them.
i found a memory
a few weeks ago.
it was nothing, really.
just something i held
on to just
in case…
i can’t believe i
kept it
in the first place,
but at the time
it seemed so necessary.
i thought,
or maybe it’s better
to say i had a
feeling, that
it may be the last
time we
would see one another.
it wasn’t.
we had a couple
of years before that
final moment.
when i found it
i knew what it
was and i knew what
it meant at the
time i saved it.
i held it in
my hand, surprised
at the kind of
emotions a little
piece of plastic could elicit,
especially two and
a half years
after shit like this
lost all meaning.