Bullet Points . . .
My apologies for nearly missing my post this week. Here are my bullet points about how I find myself in the predicament of forgetting to show up on Widow’s Voice this week:
Bullet points keep me ahead of sleep who stalks me.
- It is 10:42 pm PDT and I just realized that it is Wednesday.
- Church midweek was a clue.
- Neighbors’ trashcans at the curb, another clue.
So here I am, typing as the clock turns 11:00pm PDT, barely able to keep my eyes open.
Sometimes forgetting means progress.
- As I moved toward year four without Dan, I was surprised to feel ready to host Christmas again after a four year hiatus.
- It was a wonderful day of conversation, great food, laughter, and so many hugs.
- At the end of the day, with my dog asleep at my feet, I poured a glass of whiskey and within just a few minutes, I remembered: It is Christmas Night AND it is Wednesday.
Life is quite different since Dan left.
- I talked with him while preparing the house for 27 family members.
- His presence was palpable.
- I felt strong and capable, even when I fell behind schedule.
- I asked for help and did not give up.
- Everything came together just as I imagined it.
Tomorrow I will join a member from our regional group to meet a widower for breakfast who just found us. Then I’ll return to wash the new/old wine glasses someone painted by hand with Christmas images.
This is the life I am building with consciousness & intention.
I still have a gift to give
even when it arrives late.
Celebrating the holiday AND my progress!
Let’s keep going . . .