I have report cards due in the next few weeks.
Work is hectic as we finish up assessing where the kids are at.
Home is stressful as my own kids finish off assessments that their teacher need to assess (but DON’T get me started on teachers who allow assessments to be done at home in primary school and just how many parent’s are earning their kids’ grades).
I am busy pretty much all of the time right now.
….and while I am not stressed (at this stage), I am also so busy that I have not had any time to just sit and miss him.
I feel distant from him, when I had been feeling like he was so connected to us that I could almost feel him next to me. I had been just starting conversations with him when I was alone, feeling like it was not a one-sided thing.
….and I need to get that feeling back before I crash and burn later….
I need to remind myself that I was (am) loved by the most remarkable man.
A man who I trusted with my heart and soul.
A man whose love for me was bigger than anything I can imagine.
So on the weekend, I will make a time between marking report cards and cleaning the house where I can go outside, sit in the sunshine and just be with my memories of Greg.
Where I can feel his hand on my shoulder and his whisper in my ear and remind myself that I am still loved.