…that annoy me (and drive me to drink).
Somedays I think being a widow has taught me patience, but there are other days when I realise my fuse is very short and I have no time for pedants and things that make my life harder.
I question why, instead of helping to simplify my life, so many different things are trying to take another piece of me that I just don’t have to give.
Why can’t my son’s school accept my e-mailed “OK, please bill me” as an acceptance of a fee? Why does it require a signature for $3.50? Why does it send me five invoices totallying about $20 instead of one single invoice?
Or why the Department of Transport is only open during office hours making it hard for me to get my driver’s license renewal photo.
Or why my boss is insisting I set personal goals as a way of modelling to my students that we all have goals: if I have been taught anything from being suddenly widowed, it is that living day to day and rolling with the punches is the only way to cope with life. (I have made up a goal that I will fluff my way through and they will know I am faking it. It will suck but my boss will be appeased.)
I wonder if these petty little things would still get to me if I had Greg here…letting me talk things over or letting me deal with the bills and the school issues and doing one of the other eleventy million jobs that I have on my plate right now
… hmmmm…….plate…that reminds me that I must go and cook my children dinner. But maybe I can have a little wine with my whine while I make it…..
Am I just turning into a cranky person, or does anyone else have days like this?