on march 25th, 2008
i had more
friends than
i’d ever thought
i’d have,
and more family members
than i remembered having.
everyone i’d known
throughout my life
rallied around me
in numbers i never
could have expected,
all of them ready to
ready to help me
clean my house,
(as if i needed a clean house)
to feed me
(as if i could eat without puking)
to hold me
up as i collapsed
under the weight of
(this is exactly what i needed).
but few of them
knew what to say.
because who really knows
how to speak
to a man
whose 30 year
old wife died the
day after she gave
birth to their child?
no one.
i went about my
days, mothering/fathering
my daughter,
trying to figure
out what the fuck
i was going to do,
and writing it all down
so i wouldn’t forget.
all while crying over
i wasn’t writing
as a way to
reach out to
anyone in particular.
i wasn’t writing
hoping that i’d
find a wider group
of support.
i didn’t want
anything from anyone,
because i told myself
that i could handle things
on my own
and i felt like
seeking help would
make me weak
(typical man, right?)
but something interesting
happened along the way…
i started getting
emails and
comments on my blog
from women all
around the world
who were just like me.
they had dead husbands, boyfriends,
fiancee’s, and partners,
and better than
anyone else in my
life, they knew
exactly what to say.
so when i got
a comment from
candace or melody or janine,
or an email from kim,
or andrea, or sarah, or nikki,
i read them
like they
were my college textbooks,
and when i talked
to jackie
on the phone
i laughed and cried
and yelled and swore
and listened and shared
and smiled and cried
some more.
jackie was funny,
brash, and she swore
more than i did.
she could look
past the obvious awfulness
of our lives
to find some hope.
i really felt like
i had met my
long lost canadian sister.
she was one of
the major inspirations
behind my desire to
give back to
this community of widowed
people i started finding
myself becoming closer to.
last year,
michele asked me
to speak at
a conference for widows.
if that didn’t sound
depressing and terrible,
i don’t know what did.
i agreed, simply because
i like michele.
then i started to
hear from the widows i’d
gotten to know
over email and the phone…
they were also planning
to attend this awful conference.
suddenly i was excited
to meet all of
them, to sit down
and say the things
you can’t say in front
of someone who hasn’t had
(what i consider to be)
the worst imaginable
thing happen to them,
and share a few
drinks in the bar.
when i arrived in
san diego and finally met
them in person,
along with abby
and a few others,
i knew for sure that
we would be forever
bonded as friends.
it was a lovely sisterhood
that developed
that first afternoon
in the hotel bar
(i was the only widower in attendance).
there was no pretense.
there was
friendship and understanding
and fun.
at a conference created
specifically for “sad” people.
i got to know
a lot of widows
that weekend in san diego.
like jennifer, and erin, and jerilynn
and so many others.
and i can’t begin
to articulate how
thankful i am that i
was able to meet them.
as i look forward
to camp widow 2010,
i realize i’m
not just going
because michele
asked me to speak.
this year i’m going to
join my sisters
for some laughs.
and drinks.
and to add more friends
to a list i never
thought could be
so long and wonderful.
oh. and it sounds like
i may actually meet some
widowers this year.
i guess i’m
not the only man
who has realized how
important this sisterhood
can be.