it was time to
go to take my perfect
child to the doctor.
that perfect child
started screaming as soon
as i put her carseat
into the base.
tried to give her
the pacifier while driving
(exceedingly difficult while driving a car with manual transmission).
that didn’t work.
tried holding her hand.
that didn’t work.
tried rubbing her cheek.
we arrived at the doctor’s office,
madeline still screaming.
nothing like a widowed
father carrying his screaming,
inconsolable baby into
the waiting room.
oh the looks i got.
a father turned to me and said,
“you’re brave to do this without mom”
i turned to him and said,
“i have no choice. her mom passed away”
instant tears for
the man and wife.
madeline’s name got called,
the crying couple
wished me luck.
and i carried my
not-so-perfect child
into the room.