So last week, I completely forgot to write my Widows Voice blog. Just completely forgot. And I didn’t forget that night and then remember the next morning, which I have done MANY times, and then the blog post is a bit late being posted, like today. No. This time I just forgot altogether. I call it “Widow Fail.” Actually, I think it deserves a hashtag, because hashtags are all the rage right now. #widowfail. That is how I felt. Like I had failed at my widow duties. Failed our Widow Mama Michele, failed my widowed community, failed myself. Would my Widow responsibilities be taken away? Would I be fired from writing for Widows Voice, even though Im a volunteer? Would the next widowed person in line take my place if I was unable to perform my duties? Was Steve Harvey somehow involved in this mix-up? Who knows. All I know is that my brain isn’t functioning correctly right now. And for once, it’s not “Widow Brain.” It’s not that cloud of fogginess that happens due to the grief and pain around losing my spouse. Not entirely anyway. This is a different cloud. This is a “My Mom Has Cancer and I Cant Think Straight” type of cloud.
So, yeah. My mom has cancer.