grieve gloriously
you are cracked wide open
listen not to the instructions of others
how you must grieve
own your relationship
and what it now means to bear the physical absence of that one you loved
love still in the ethereal world
scream cry rend your garments curl into the floor gasp your grief
it is yours not theirs
grieve gloriously and give not your power to others
who have no knowledge of your story and your soul
pretend not that life matters
or give all energy to life and let it matter
it is for you to decide
or not decide
just be who you are what you are
how your grief must be at this moment at this time
worry not for the unseen future
or worry for that future
which is yours even as you curse it
grieve gloriously and deeply and as you alone must grieve
sob or laugh or sob/laugh at the same time
or do neither
we are one and the other and we are both at the same time
or not
and both are impossibly possible and there is no logic or rhyme or reason
there is no destination there is only here sometimes there but always here
*allow the mind fuck*