Lately, Ive been feeling some sort of way.
Sick, but not like flu sick.
Heart sick.
Soul sick.
Something feels off.
I feel off.
Everything seems like
Slow motion.
Im not quite sure what this is.
But I do know what it is.
I think this might be my life now.
This might be “grief, in the aftermath.”
Grief, six years later.
Grief, mixed with new love.
It feels heavy somehow.
Like Im suddenly more aware of the constant
and the knowing,
of Death.
The knowing,
that the End is Lurking.
That people die.
And that more people will die.
More people I love will die.
I will die.
Nobody really talks about the sheer terror,
that comes from knowing,
that one day,
you will die.
You just will cease to exist.
Why does this thought not horrify people,
every waking hour?
I often feel crazy,
for thinking about it,
so much,
but I do.
It floods my heart.
I wake up in a cold sweat,
and my body shivers,
with the thought of:
“One day I wont be here.
I wont exist. I wont be aware of life.
It will just be over.”
I think that people are so terrified
by this thought,
that they dont allow themselves
to go there,
or they convince themselves,
that life,
in some form,
exists after Death.
I do believe that
we are energy,
and our energy lives on.
But what that means,
or feels like,
I dont know.
What if it feels like nothing?
I wont know.
Or maybe I will.
Either way,
I think about this sort of thing,
at random times,
and it sits there in my heart.
I ache at the thought of Don being dead.
It pains me that he never gets to have more life.
How can such a beautiful person, such as him,
just be gone?
Sometimes I just sit in the sadness of it all.
People would think Ive officially lost my mind.
I dont care.
Death is a part of my daily heart now.
Some people say death doesnt scare them.
Im not one of those people.
It fills me with fear.
And sadness.
I am unsure what to do with these thoughts,
other than to just allow them,
to float by.
Its not something I talk about.
It just lives there,
And nobody