In the before moments
As you hold tight while trying to let go
Waiting for that last breath
Dreading that last breath
Holding your breath waiting for that last breath
Gasping in your breath as he exhales his last breath
Long Live Love
As you sit and stand and pace and stare
Wondering at this new world of without
With only your breath in it
Where once the two of you breathed the same air
Restless and sleeping but not sleeping til you don’t even know what it is to sleep and wake rested
Long Live Love
As you stumble and fall and get up and fall again
And determination and grit lock your knees and stand you up day after day
While you can’t imagine living
But you aren’t dying even though you don’t understand how you aren’t dying
Because how can you not die of a broken heart
But you somehow keep living
Long Live Love
And birthdays and anniversaries and death days seep into one year and another
And the missing-ness is impossible and unbearable
Yet here you are still
Determined and broken and broken but determined
And all you know to do is let Love be stronger until it becomes bigger
Long Live Love