So today is Michele’s birthday. Who is Michele? Well, if youre a reader of this blog, you probably already know the answer to that question. And if this amazing woman has affected your life in any of the incredible and many ways she has affected mine, than you are a very fortunate person. But, just in case you are living under a rock and have no idea who she is, I will tell you. She is the founder and Executive Director of Soaring Spirits International. She created a village of widowed people. Camp Widow, this blog, Widowed Village, all of it – started with her. This is a piece I wrote about Michele, with one L – about 2 years ago, when I was asked to give the intro speech for her Key Note Address in Toronto, Canada …..
by Kelley Lynn
She, who stood in the ruins and built hope
She, who looked at death, and made life
She, who took her pain, and reached out,
providing cushions and nets and places to fall and land,
for the rest of us who hurt …
She who is Brave. Bright. Beaming.
She who took the end, and with it, created beginnings
She who refused to accept or believe that love ever ends,
because it doesn’t. It won’t. It can’t. She who tells us this and makes us believe it too, until we really, truly do ….
She who picks us up, gives us tools, sits with us inside of wherever we are.
She who doesnt run from death OR life,
She who took ashes and made paper airplanes that fly.
She who stood on cement blocks made from tears and fear and loss,
she who inspires from the wreckage,
she who removed all shame from the word WIDOW,
she who radiates joy, love, and hope.
She who is changing how we feel, think, live
in big ways and small ways, and all ways,
She who leaves a mark on every soul she touches.
She, who I call Friend.
Beautiful, wise, funny, delightful, lovely, wonderful friend.
She who is named
Michele. Just one L.
She will reshape the world.