This week we had some downtime and a day off school. So my sister and I took the kids to great wolf lodge for the night. This place holds lots of great and special memories for us as a family. We started going there when my now 7 year old daughter was just a baby. All the kids have been with their dad and have their own memories of being there.
Now we are creating new memories together and I’m learning to be ok with that. I am realizing that this is part of moving forward. You have to continue to live and have wonderful times because that’s living and that’s what our loved ones would want.
I have a very hard time juggling all of life’s tasks. I often feel like I am failing my children because I don’t always have enough time and energy for them. So this trip was a good break from life. A chance to just be 100% present for them. Even if it was just 24 hours. We had a blast and even though we played at the park all day when we left I felt rejuvenated. It’s like I got a good reminder of what’s most important in life. These kids. And my kids got that love and attention they desire most.
I would suggest to everyone that we just take a minute and break really remember what’s most important in life. We all know to well how quickly it can be taken from us so let’s really breathe it in and soak it up. I live for these moments.