I actually had to look up if Mercury was in retrograde because it’s definitely been A Week when it comes to just technical issues and weird energy. Every now and then, I blame that poor planet for messing things up (although, I typically am not as affected as others believe and I think it’s due to the fact I was born when Mercury was in a retrograde). There was also the full moon this week.
Big astrological stuff aside, there are just some “phases” where it seems that the energy just does not feel right.
We’ve also had a number of thunder and lightening storms cruise through here– which always bring a kind of buzzy, chaotic energy with them. And there’s literal energy issues with our power grid in my area. Frequently we’re out of power for a few hours at a time, usually at the most inopportune times. So all of this has made this week really intense.
I first clued into the fact I could “feel” energy when I was a kid. I thought it was just something everyone experienced, but turns out, they don’t. As the decades have rolled on, I’ve just gotten better at interpreting what I feel and trying to make changes and adjustments to suit it. This week has been a bit of a failure on that front. I don’t beat myself up about it though. Sometimes a good wallow is what you need (for me, it was binging the old show Merlin, which I missed when it first aired, and eating foods I probably should not be eating).
At times like this, Mario and I would also discuss how we each felt about whatever energy was going on, but alas, he’s not here. I do have friends that I continue those discussions with though.
But I can see a little light up ahead. Starting today, I’ve felt the energy shifting. Things are starting to move in a better direction. Things are “looking up” as some people are fond of saying.
The thing is, I don’t just wait around for energy to shift. It usually requires action on my part. Forward motion. Focus. It can’t happen when I’m in the middle of a wallow though. I’ve given myself a lot of space lately just because of the major life event of losing a parent (in a horrific way, no less). While I’m not setting any constraints on myself with that kind of grief, I realize that it does no good for other areas of my life to grind to a halt for any length of time.
The other thing is I’ve been shifting focus to a lot of creative pursuits lately that are helping to feed my soul. I’ve got so many ideas rattling around my head right now! I haven’t been this full of creativity in quite some time and I’m allowing myself to give in to that (but not too much … too much of any one thing is never a good thing IMO).
Energy ebbs and flows like the side and if you grab a virtual board and surf those waves, you’re chances of riding them out and not getting pulled under are that much better.
Next week, I’m heading off to a rather magical little place in the middle of nowhere Oregon and then the Maryhill Museum, which I’ve always wanted to see. So aside from a lot of driving, it will be a nice little break.