This week has been beyond one of my comprehension. One of new experiences, new travels, new bonds, and new horizons for myself and the organization.
I found out about 2 months ago that some of my fellow widows submitted my story and organization to L’oreal’s Women of Worth. A program that aimed to showcase volunteers of causes, I then found out that I was one of the top 10 honorees, giving our organization funds to further our mission.
This past week I was flown into DC for the ceremony and meet fellow honorees. I met 9 women that dumbfounded me to be in such presence. Women ranging from 18 to 90, women that were the epitome of passion, women of a worth beyond worth.
Sitting at a table, it hit me that there are people that in a small way saw the need for a cause that I started due to my own needs….my needs to not feel alone…my needs to feel connected with others that shared in my grief…my need to unify those that believed in the power of heal and healing.
Last night, among those 9 women, my organization was chosen for the National prize, and as I went to the stage…all that hit me….all that by brain could comprehend was his presence. His undying love that I have unearthed through the AWP, my fellow widows, and those that dared not to give up.
I’m now at an event with 13 of the most amazing military widows, and as I sit here and try and absorb all that has taken place in the last 48 hours…the only emotion I feel is gratefulness, love, inspiration, and appreciation…..the core essence of an undying love….of the presence that never leaves my side.