Of course you’ll always miss your husband….. It’s the but that you can read into those little dots at the end of that sentence that contain the crux of what the person is really saying. ….don’t hang onto the grief…. ….it’s your decision to be happy or not…. …..if you’re still struggling with grief, maybe you should go on…
Widowhood Confusion….What?
I’m certain that I’m not alone when I describe the confusion of widowhood. Not that many others in life don’t feel similar uncertainties as life changes happen. I guess it’s just that we, as widow/ers, have this sickening, stomach lurching rollercoaster thrown into the mix of our hearts and minds and souls as we face life alone. The…
And the Plan is…
Thank goodness for outside observations offered by those loving people who surround me. Thank goodness for their perceptions that are gently offered when all I have to offer is what seems to me to be nothing but confusion. My self-perception is off, skewed, and, generally speaking, not terribly trust-worthy. I feel confused and aimless and the…